Thursday, April 24, 2008

Random Thoughts...

1. I think that Choir 1, pre-K & K dancers need to sit on the smaller stage during that number. I think it will be easier for them, and it will allow the 1st graders to be seen doing their jazz dance. Gotta talk to Meg about it, and make sure it's okay with her.

2. We need 4 more choir mics. Jeff will take care of that.

3. We need the powerpoint thingy that hangs from the ceiling to be FIXED so that the words can be reflected onto the back wall.... the kids need it, and so do I.

4. I'm gonna ask Shelly & Karen to be in charge of costuming the kids. Guess we'll get them dressed in the choir room, and then wheel the rack down to the hallway outside of the gym for after our performances. Sounds like a plan.

5. I want a big dog... a mean looking one, that I can take on walks with me, for safety reasons. Don will never go for it, tho....

6. I love springtime. Love having the windows open and the attic fan on.... and no other noises in the house, except for the click click click of my typing on the laptop....

7. I like how Don rearranged our furniture. My chair now sits in front of the open window.... Love it!

8. My kitchen looks like a tornado swept thru it.... haven't cleaned it in 2 days.... ugh!

9. Cali almost got eaten by two big dogs while on our walk / jog this morning. Poor kid.... she was crying. Then for the rest of our walk, she kept looking back at me with those sad eyes that said "Mom, you still there? You gonna protect me???" Poor kid...

10. I admire my friend, Julie, who I met on a specialized website.... She lives in Colorado and has two adorable little girls. She's fighting a battle right now, physically, and my heart aches for her. And I admire her. Totally. Pray for Julie.

11. I really need to straighten up this house. The cleaning ladies are coming tomorrow....

12. I need to get into the garden. It's a mess right now. I need some muscles, and a rototiller. We're gonna take out one of our large beds, the one near the house and the hot tub, and gonna lay sod down. Forget those big beds. What, was I crazy??? We have WAY too many flowerbeds.... It looked pretty when the landscaper put them in, but heck, they are too much work!!! And let's not even talk about the "garden".... Oy Vey.... there is so much work to do out there.... gonna redo those beds too, make them raised.... haul in new dirt, totally redo the garden.

13. I hope our rehearsal on Saturday goes better than last night.... sheesh!!! What a disaster! The kids were so distracted.... I mean, wouldn't you be if you saw this crazy guy going up and down on a lift, stretching to the ceiling of the gym??? Like 4 or 5 times??? And the tech crew was trying to fix the powerpoint and set lights, and they were chatting TOO LOUD back there.... totally distracting the kids. I cannot have that again..... ugh.... calming down. LOL

14. I just looked at my hair... talk about a disaster!!! Way too much gray is showing thru.... and it needs to be trimmed up. Dyan???

15. I'm going "secret shopping" on Saturday afternoon, after rehearsal. Coldwater Creek sent me another $50 gift card. Gotta use it by the 28th. What fun!

16. Sent out the e-invites to the Choir 3 BBQ at my house on May 17th. It's our annual event.... and the kids always enjoy it. Lots of work, tho....

17. I have a stress headache..... I need a massage.

18. Don was nominated to be on our church board. Yay! I hope he gets elected.... because he'd be great on the board. Whip them into shape!!! LOL

19. My stage looks great!!! It's very simple this year.... and the artificial rocks / boulders, are GREAT!!! And my spraypainting the ladders turned out quite well, thank you very much! I love the simplicity of our set this year. Much, much easier than in years past.

20. Gotta get busy.... laundry is calling my name, and so is my kitchen. Not to mention, figuring out something for dinner, altho we had a late lunch, at The Peanut, and I could only eat half of my hamburger & fries. Don finished them for me.... lol.

And that's my random life so far...


Unknown said...

You are a GOOF!!!! I mean you are completely random!

Meg said...

Can I help costume the kids or do the make up or something? I need more to do to feel needed, rofl! JK! But seriously...what can I do? I feel like a loser just sitting there...

Unknown said...

Yes, Meghan.... you are listed as our makeup artist.... okay?

Dyan, you are listed as doing their hair.


Julie said...

Hi :o) Thanks for your prayers. I appreciate them.
I think you should get a lab. I think everyone should get a lab. No one's life will be complete until they have a lab. They can be big and scary when they want to be. Tell Don you need a lab.
Take a deep breath and enjoy the chaos of choir - I bet when it's over you'll be missing it and wondering what to do with yourself.
And when it is over, go get that massage!

Have a great weekend!

Anonymous said...

Crazy guy on the lift? SHEEZ... No love for the people tring to fix things that are broken... ;)

Unknown said...