Saturday, June 28, 2008

Random Post

Christian is here. And he's sick. Poor kid. He has such a tight cough in his chest. He's spending the night with Grandma & Grandpa tonight, so that his mommy & daddy can celebrate their 5th wedding anniversary! June 28, 2003. I think that they are headed to the Plaza for dinner, probably Buca di Beppo, and great Italian restaurant. I hope that Jory does something REALLY nice for her, to make up for having to work ALL day on their anniversary! I hope he takes her on a carriage ride or something romantic like that. I do know that he bought her a card 3 days ago.... cause Don asked. LOL

Anyway, back to Christian. He's been such a good boy here. He has to watch EVERYTHING I do... especially when cooking dinner. He has to sit on the cabinet next to what I'm doing and watch it all. He's very good about not touching anything... it might be HOT!!! He didn't eat much tonight... only the homemade mac & cheese. He didn't touch his chicken or peas. I even tried camouflaging his peas with a mac & cheese noodle.... he chewed everything up and then spit out the peas. I swear! I asked him, "Doesn't your mother ever feed you vegetables???" He just stared at me, like "What???" ROFL

So I auditioned for the dinner drama, "Don't Drink the Water" by Woody Allen. Talk about a well written comedy! It is hilarious.... I am trying out for the part of the chef & also Marion, one of the main characters. I probably won't get the part of Marion, which is fine by me... she IS fun to play, especially with a Jersey accent, but it's a main role and that is a LOT of memorizing. I told Jenny that I'd probably be more comfortable with the smaller, but funny role of the Chef. And every time I read for the Chef, Jenny the director was cracking up! I play it with a French accent.... don't tell me how I know how to do that.... I will probably ask Meg to tutor me, tho, since she's the expert in French in our family. Anyway, I'll probably get the role of the Chef, which is fine by me. It's a pretty funny part. Yup, if I get it, I will DEFINITELY be making a fool of myself! Running around on the stage chasing someone & being chased all while holding a live bunny is part of what I'd be doing.... hilarious! I just hope I don't freeze up and forget lines. This will definitely help me to have more compassion with the children in our musicals... they have to memorize so much! And they are always so professional about it and ready to go with our rehearsals!

After this morning's audition / reading session, I came home. Don & I then decided to go to the Plaza and have lunch - Cheesecake Factory. Yum! I had the BBQ Ranch Chicken Salad, and Don had a tortilla salad. We both had cheesecake with strawberries. And we both decided that next time that we'd order ONE salad and split it, and ONE piece of cheesecake and split that too. We've been doing that alot more lately, since we neither one eat like we used to! LOL And I don't want to ruin all I've been doing at 24 hr. fitness! Speaking of... my muscles are so sore!!! But, I have my mind set to have my weight off & be back in shape by Christmas. I KNOW I can do it! My trainer, Shannon, is great! She doesn't let me slack at all! Good thing... cause I'm such a baby....

We went to the Royals / Cardinals game last night. Fun times... We knocked the snot out of them. And there was fireworks afterwards. Always fun. However, tonight, we're losing so far. Stinks. Our partner is in our seats tonight with his sons. Friday, July 11th, I'm definitely going... it's free Royals cowboy hats as a giveaway.... Yup, count on me to be there. I love having those season tickets.... we've gone to more games this year than we've EVER gone to.... Love it.... and our seats are so good! Yay Don.

Don is upstairs painting the bathroom ceiling right now. He was gonna take a ride on the Harley, but changed his mind. Christian is in bed, never heard a peep out of him.... he's so tired.

Tomorrow afternoon - more audition / read throughs. Jenny wants us there so we can play off of each other. Helps her in the casting. And Don needs to go to his mom's house to fix her computer. So, that's our day play for tomorrow.

Monday morning - I'll be at 24 Hr. Fitness by 7:20 to work out. Can you believe that??? Yup.... I will! You just wait and see!

And that's my life so far...

Wednesday, June 25, 2008


Okay.... so I signed up to have my personal trainer at 24 hr. fitness.... Her name is Shannon. I went ahead and signed up for 27 sessions.... $$$, and when I talked with my husband about the fact that I'd feel so guilty for spending that much money on me, he said he'd feel guilty if I didn't! So.... I did it. I went today for my first session, well, actually a pre-session. She showed me the routines.... I did one set of each activity, being 20 reps each set. My muscles were shaking... it was really hard. I'll be seeing Shannon Monday, Wed. & Friday mornings at 8 AM for the next 9 weeks. The other days, I'll be on my own doing cardio. I hope this works!

Here's the rough thing.... my target heart rate is between 110 & 144. When I was warming up on the treadmill, jogging, my heart rate jumped to 160... felt like it was gonna beat right out of my chest. So, my trainer said that I couldn't run yet. I have to work my way up to it.... I'm so out of condition, that it would not be good for me to run yet. I'd be burning muscle instead of fat at that rate. I don't wanna do that.... So, I guess that means that running the 5 K in August is out for this year. *deep sigh* I am soooooooo out of shape and 65 lbs overweight and I don't know how I let myself get this way..... so mad at myself! I want to be my former skinny self again... *deep sigh*

Onto other silly news..... last night, while at the ballgame, my husband said that HE ought to get a tattoo on his arm.... if you wanna know what he wants to put there, just ask me... LOL I keep telling him that I'm gonna get a tattoo, and this is what he comes up with! LOL

Saturday, June 21, 2008

The 100 Mile Harley-Davidson Breast Cancer Ride

Well, I did it! I rode on the Harley for well over 100 miles! My arthritic hip bone aches, but other than that, I did great! We rode through the countryside around Kansas City, and it was a beautiful ride. The day was perfect, not too hot. There were about 300 riders in all. It was totally fun being part of a group of Harley Riders.... There were all types of people there, most of whom I'd never normally associate with. But, I tell you what, it was fun! I met some really cool people... Harold, covered in tattoos, skinny as a toothpick, and as old as a goat... but really fun! I uploaded some pics for your enjoyment.... This first one is a picture of Linda snapping a photo of her husband, Matt. Chunky me is in the background... lol, in a DEW RAG, of all things!!! Never thought I'd see the day!~

Here is a picture of Linda & Matt, our friends who joined us for the ride. (Photo on the right side)

And here I am squatting by the front of Don's Harley, where he had put the breast cancer support ribbon. What a goofball I look like??? I'm definitely NOT the photogenic one in the family...

Here are a couple of group pictures... Who went on the ride? Don~n~me, Meg & Drew & Matt & Linda, friends of ours.

Meg & Drew..... can I hear an "awwwww"???? Cute couple.... Meg is the new Golden Guard (colorguard unit) coach at the high school where she graduated from. Yay Meg! She will be coaching flags along with another former member of the Golden Guard, Ashley. They'll be good at it, and I'm thrilled that Meg is back doing guard stuff.... she really missed doing it in college...

After our ride, we stopped back at the Harley shop & they had a catered BBQ lunch for us, and a band was playing. It was great food, cause we were all HUNGRY!!! The band was nice too....

All in all, it was a lovely way to spend a hot summer morning..... riding through the countryside on a Harley-Davidson, wind in our faces, bugs in our teeth.... j/k.

And that's my life so far...

Wednesday, June 18, 2008

Some tattoo designs...

Okay, I'm serious!!! Look at these tattoo patterns and see if there is any one in particular that you like, that looks like me.... Input! I need input!
Do you think I'm crazy???

Monday, June 16, 2008


Okay, I'm 51 years old and I want to get a tattoo! Is that completely scandalous?? I am an adult... I should be able to do what I want, right? I want to get a little butterfly on the inside of my left ankle with a pink breast cancer ribbon on it for my mom & me. I think the size would be about 1 1/2 inches square. So, shouldn't I be able to do that? I really, really want to....

*deep sigh*


Random Thoughts...

1. Not much to blog about...
2. I'm sitting here watching the US Open golf tournament... they're in double overtime, or whatever it is that they call it...
3. I hate golf.
4. Despise it, really.... Golf kept my dad from really being a dad. Sad...
5. Been riding the Harley quite alot. I'm getting used to it, and doing my best not to be completely frightened.
6. Father's Day was nice - spent it at Don's mom's. She cooked enough to feed an army... surprised? No... And it was all delicious!
7. Meg is hurting.
8. It's hard to believe people get PAID to play golf!
9. It's cooler today...
10. I ought to be out in the garden pulling weeds.
11. Maybe I'll do that in a bit.
12. I'm so tired lately... and I don't know why.
13. Cali is so adorable.
14. Cali just wants to play all the time! I love her...
15. Found out yesterday that my MIL reads my blog. Better be nice, eh?
16. All I wanna do is sleep.
17. Christian fell asleep on Great Grandma's floor yesterday. Never seen a kid who sleeps on command!!! He's so good....
18. I haven't practiced my piano much lately.... better get crackin'.
19. I want to read a book. Been a long time since I've read a book. Perhaps I shall do that today.
20. Tiger won.
21. Next Saturday is the 100 mile motorcycle ride for Breast Cancer research... I think Meg & Drew are gonna go too. My butt is gonna be sooooo sore!
22. Tiger's wife has really blonde hair!
23. Gotta get busy. Time's a wastin'...

Thursday, June 12, 2008

Tonight.... I did it!

I rode the motorcycle from my house in Lee's Summit to the Plaza... a 30 min. ride. And I actually enjoyed it! Amazing! Only when we were down on Ward Parkway did I start to feel panic setting in.... and I pushed it down with all my might! We got to the Plaza and had dinner at The California Pizza Kitchen. Lovely... I was well taken care of there. I love their BBQ Chicken pizza.

Then we hopped back on the bike and started home. I kept looking at the sky thinking it's gonna open up & drench us! But Don kept saying, "No, no no." We came home down 350 Hwy... got off at Colbern and rode to Douglas & into Lee's Summit. We stopped by Sheridans for custard. There was plenty of lightning in the sky.... and ominous looking clouds. I hurried up and ate my strawberry sundae, and we hopped back on the bike and headed home. Jory called while we were riding home and I talked to him and he said that there were tornado warnings all around... lol. We got home just in time. The news weather guys are on the TV showing pictures of the Plaza, pelting rain & wind, torrential downpours... we just barely escaped!

No panic attacks on the way home! I AM IMPROVING!!! Yay me! I swear I'm gonna turn into a Harley Momma! I think I'm too old to be a Harley Babe... I wouldn't wanna be that anyway! LOL

And that's my life so far....

Wednesday, June 11, 2008

The Boys.... and the slide!

Jenny, Christians' auntie and Chase's mommy, took these pictures while the kids were on a trip down south to Oklahoma for a Swim Family Reunion. She uploaded these pics on her blogsite, and I thought they were so cute, I copied them and decided to post them on my own site. Thanks, Jenny!!! *muah*
This is Christian walking UP the slide, because I guess it takes too long to walk around to the ladder. That's my boy!
I guess Chase is looking for Christian in this pic.
The cousins at the top of a slide.
Christian is running to the next slide. He LOVES slides... the bigger, the better. That boy has no fear, that's for sure!
Wheeeeeeeeeeeeeee!!! "Here I GOOOOOOOO"

Adorable pics, if I do say so myself!

Tuesday, June 10, 2008

My New Hair

Today, I went to Dyan's to have her give me highlights & lowlights. I love what she did to my hair! Lots of streaks of red through it... and a richer brown & of course, bleach for the highlights. She did a great job. Here are some pics. I am NOT photogenic at all, not like my girls are... so you'll have to excuse the old lady face! LOL Oh, and all of these pics are self-portraits...
I love my new camera!

Notice the streaks of red???
Here's a bettter shot of the red streaks. I love them!!!

This last picture is very special. My friend, Julie, sent me a birthday present. She is an awesome knitter, and I've for months, been amazed at her talents with the needles. I've secretly wanted to ask her to knit me something, but never did cause I was sure that she'd think I was crazy! I mean, who does that? But, today, at Dyan's house, was the scarf that I'm wearing in this pic. She knitted it and sent it to me, and it's absolutely BEAUTIFUL!!! I just love it! What a surprise it was, and I am very humbled.
Tomorrow is my 51st birthday. Ugh.... who'd have ever thought I'd be in my 50's????? Gosh, it seemed so old when I was in my 20's.... Now I'm here! Actually, I love being in my 50's! There is freedom with age. I've raised my kids, did a good job, I think.... and now it's the time of life for Don & I to focus on us instead of the kids all the time! And we are having fun... that is for sure!

And that's my life so far...

Saturday, June 7, 2008

Today, I Bought....

my husband a Harley Davidson.... Heritage something or other....

It all started when I wanted to go to a dealer in Blue Springs to register Don & I for the 100 mile Breast Cancer Support ride on June 21st. So.... in the showroom, there were so many pretty motorcycles.... And we looked at helmets for me, but they were $$$. So we left.

Then Don took me to look at another motorcycle he was thinking of purchasing, and I gotta tell you, it was BUTT UGLY!!! Like something from outer space! Lordy.... ugly bike.

Soooo, we decided to go to yet ANOTHER motorcycle shop.... to find me a pink helmet. It was very ugly..... besides, I'd seen what I wanted at the harley store...

And, you guessed it, we went to still ANOTHER motorcycle shop, Gail's Harley Davidson in Grandview.... and before we could get to the helmets, we started looking at bikes. 4 hours later, we came out with the motorcycle, a helmet thrown in, with a gift card for $100 off of the price of the helmet... and we got two Harley t-shirts....

Yes, I spoil my husband..... he deserves it! And, we took another ride tonight...

And that's my life so far...

Wednesday, June 4, 2008

Kaleidoscope Children's Choir Staff Dinner

At the end of the choir year, the choir parents give me a big gift certificate to have dinner at a nice restaurant with the KCC staff. This year, we chose to go to Houlihan's on the Town Center Plaza. Here are some pics from our evening. The only staff person who wasn't there was Shelly, my Choir 2 Director. But fun was had by the rest of us.
Here is Dyan & Meghan looking pretty!! Meg directs Choir 1 & Dyan is my assistant director and helps me out in Choir 3. Lovely girls....
Karen, me & Christy. Karen is the accompanist for Choir 1, and Christy is the accompanist for Choir 2. Wonderful friends, and a delight to work with. And, they'll both be back for another year of KCC!
Christopher, the man in the group, is the KCC accompanist & works with me with Choir 3 rehearsals. He is a consummate musician. I used to work with his mother when I lived in California. I'm so glad that they moved to Kansas City...
Here Christy & Christopher are enjoying their food!
The girls, being silly! And Karen, not knowing what to think about my two camera hogs!!!
Yet another pic of Christy & Christopher enjoying their food! LOLOL
Christy saying, "You did NOT take a picture of me with my mouth full!!!" LOLOL
We had a great time tonight. Oh, and of all nights, it was "Diva" night at Houlihans, and all ladies could order "Sex and the City" martinis for 5 bucks!!! There was this table of about 15 ladies next to us, and they were sure putting them babies away!!! And then they all left to go to see the movie... lol.
And that's my life so far...

Tuesday, June 3, 2008

The Last 24 Hours...

Life has been interesting, the last 24 hours.

Last night, I was reamed by an angry middle aged gay man who thinks that we should all have the same political viewpoints. Well, I'm sorry, but I am a conservative Republican, and I'll not apologize for that. The only bad thing is that he did this on a blog where others can see it, and not only was he angry at me for my political views, but I guess he & some other guy had been talking and making up this stuff about my company that wasn't even true.... he said that it's pretty poor that we don't provide medical insurance to our employees. Well, that is just not true. We DO offer insurance, and I told him that he was mistaken, and he's just an angry gay guy with a huge chip on his shoulder. I pretty much laid back into him... and he finally erased the blog & all communications between us. For that I am grateful. But I feel like I've lost a friend. And that's sad. I was very disturbed about it last night. I gotta stop reading those blogs... I swear....

Then TODAY.... I worked out in my garden this morning, finishing the tomato bed, got them suckers all planted.... and Cali, my baby, was with me playing outside and having a grand old time. Then about 12:30, I came inside, grabbed something cold to drink, checked my email... read blogs, watched my soaps, and then at 2 PM, I noticed that Cali wasn't in the living room with me. So, I started calling for her.... and she was NOWHERE IN SIGHT. Mind you, she had her shock collar on so she couldn't escape from the back yard.... I was terrified that someone had opened our gate and kidnapped her. So, in my grubby gardening clothes, unwashed hair & no makeup, I set out to look for her. I walked several blocks looking for her... no sign of her. I called Don, all upset, and he came home to help in the search. I drove the neighborhood several times, NO CALI. Then I remembered that she had on a tag with Meg's phone number on it. That was still on her collar from when we were in Europe last summer. I never changed it out. Sad thing, her new tag with MY phone number on it is in my bathroom. Soooooo, Meg left work an hour early, went home to check her messages, and SURE ENOUGH.... my neighbor, Laurie had Cali! So, I made a beeline to her house, and she wasn't home! Our other neighbor, Dick, was sitting on his front porch (and he didn't recognize me cause I looked so pitifully awful), and I asked him if he knew when Laurie would be home. He said he didn't, but that she usually leaves her door unlocked. I told him I wasn't about to open her door.... so I knocked, and lo and behold, Cali came to the glass door. So, I tried the knob, and yup, it opened up & I grabbed up my baby. We hugged and kissed all the way across the cul-de-sac. Ohhhhhh, I love my baby! I checked her shock collar, and yes, it still has batteries & still beeps.... so I have no idea how she got out. Laurie found her across the cul-de-sac at the mailboxes, and apparently Cali followed her home. Laurie didn't want her getting hurt, so she took her in, and called the number on her collar.

Well, after a shower, and Lord knows I needed it.... I did my hair & put makeup on and feel like a woman again.... Cali & I went to Laurie's house to see if she was home yet, and to thank her. We had a nice conversation, and I told her how grateful I was that she & her 5 year old son, Benjamin took such good care of Cali for me.

Moral of the story: Don't get into political discussions with angry gay men with chips on their shoulders.... and love your babies.

And that's my life so far....

Sunday, June 1, 2008

It Came in the Mail...

It came in the mail yesterday, and I didn't even check the mail.... so it was sitting there for a whole day and I didn't know it.

What? The "sissy" bar for the motorcycle. Gee.... this means that I have to ride the motorcycle, doesn't it? And I'm scared to death to do it... I used to ride with my dad as a kid, and almost got hit several times. I'm just terrified. But, I will try and get over it. I'm THINKING about allowing Don to take me to Sheridan's tonight, back roads only, for some custard. Just thinking about it.
:::EDIT, er, rather UPDATE::: I RODE THE MOTORCYCLE!!! And I actually enjoyed it! Yay me!!! We rode the back roads to Sheridans, and I had a strawberry sundae... and I had a great time. Perfect weather in the evenings... So, can I hear a YOU GO MOM!!!???

What else came in the mail? MONEY.... from the IRS. Lots and lots of money... 4 years worth of tax refund money.... I'll finally be able to pay off my credit cards! Yay us!


On yet another train of thought....Don was elected to be on the church Board this past week. It is a big honor, and a huge commitment. There are only 14 board members elected from the congregation... and this year's board promises to be a good one. And some people from last year were not reelected... yahoo! Anyway, congrats to Don for that! I'm so proud of him...

And that's my life so far...