Saturday, June 28, 2008

Random Post

Christian is here. And he's sick. Poor kid. He has such a tight cough in his chest. He's spending the night with Grandma & Grandpa tonight, so that his mommy & daddy can celebrate their 5th wedding anniversary! June 28, 2003. I think that they are headed to the Plaza for dinner, probably Buca di Beppo, and great Italian restaurant. I hope that Jory does something REALLY nice for her, to make up for having to work ALL day on their anniversary! I hope he takes her on a carriage ride or something romantic like that. I do know that he bought her a card 3 days ago.... cause Don asked. LOL

Anyway, back to Christian. He's been such a good boy here. He has to watch EVERYTHING I do... especially when cooking dinner. He has to sit on the cabinet next to what I'm doing and watch it all. He's very good about not touching anything... it might be HOT!!! He didn't eat much tonight... only the homemade mac & cheese. He didn't touch his chicken or peas. I even tried camouflaging his peas with a mac & cheese noodle.... he chewed everything up and then spit out the peas. I swear! I asked him, "Doesn't your mother ever feed you vegetables???" He just stared at me, like "What???" ROFL

So I auditioned for the dinner drama, "Don't Drink the Water" by Woody Allen. Talk about a well written comedy! It is hilarious.... I am trying out for the part of the chef & also Marion, one of the main characters. I probably won't get the part of Marion, which is fine by me... she IS fun to play, especially with a Jersey accent, but it's a main role and that is a LOT of memorizing. I told Jenny that I'd probably be more comfortable with the smaller, but funny role of the Chef. And every time I read for the Chef, Jenny the director was cracking up! I play it with a French accent.... don't tell me how I know how to do that.... I will probably ask Meg to tutor me, tho, since she's the expert in French in our family. Anyway, I'll probably get the role of the Chef, which is fine by me. It's a pretty funny part. Yup, if I get it, I will DEFINITELY be making a fool of myself! Running around on the stage chasing someone & being chased all while holding a live bunny is part of what I'd be doing.... hilarious! I just hope I don't freeze up and forget lines. This will definitely help me to have more compassion with the children in our musicals... they have to memorize so much! And they are always so professional about it and ready to go with our rehearsals!

After this morning's audition / reading session, I came home. Don & I then decided to go to the Plaza and have lunch - Cheesecake Factory. Yum! I had the BBQ Ranch Chicken Salad, and Don had a tortilla salad. We both had cheesecake with strawberries. And we both decided that next time that we'd order ONE salad and split it, and ONE piece of cheesecake and split that too. We've been doing that alot more lately, since we neither one eat like we used to! LOL And I don't want to ruin all I've been doing at 24 hr. fitness! Speaking of... my muscles are so sore!!! But, I have my mind set to have my weight off & be back in shape by Christmas. I KNOW I can do it! My trainer, Shannon, is great! She doesn't let me slack at all! Good thing... cause I'm such a baby....

We went to the Royals / Cardinals game last night. Fun times... We knocked the snot out of them. And there was fireworks afterwards. Always fun. However, tonight, we're losing so far. Stinks. Our partner is in our seats tonight with his sons. Friday, July 11th, I'm definitely going... it's free Royals cowboy hats as a giveaway.... Yup, count on me to be there. I love having those season tickets.... we've gone to more games this year than we've EVER gone to.... Love it.... and our seats are so good! Yay Don.

Don is upstairs painting the bathroom ceiling right now. He was gonna take a ride on the Harley, but changed his mind. Christian is in bed, never heard a peep out of him.... he's so tired.

Tomorrow afternoon - more audition / read throughs. Jenny wants us there so we can play off of each other. Helps her in the casting. And Don needs to go to his mom's house to fix her computer. So, that's our day play for tomorrow.

Monday morning - I'll be at 24 Hr. Fitness by 7:20 to work out. Can you believe that??? Yup.... I will! You just wait and see!

And that's my life so far...

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