Saturday, June 7, 2008

Today, I Bought....

my husband a Harley Davidson.... Heritage something or other....

It all started when I wanted to go to a dealer in Blue Springs to register Don & I for the 100 mile Breast Cancer Support ride on June 21st. So.... in the showroom, there were so many pretty motorcycles.... And we looked at helmets for me, but they were $$$. So we left.

Then Don took me to look at another motorcycle he was thinking of purchasing, and I gotta tell you, it was BUTT UGLY!!! Like something from outer space! Lordy.... ugly bike.

Soooo, we decided to go to yet ANOTHER motorcycle shop.... to find me a pink helmet. It was very ugly..... besides, I'd seen what I wanted at the harley store...

And, you guessed it, we went to still ANOTHER motorcycle shop, Gail's Harley Davidson in Grandview.... and before we could get to the helmets, we started looking at bikes. 4 hours later, we came out with the motorcycle, a helmet thrown in, with a gift card for $100 off of the price of the helmet... and we got two Harley t-shirts....

Yes, I spoil my husband..... he deserves it! And, we took another ride tonight...

And that's my life so far...


Julie said...

Oh my goodness! That looks like so much fun! Have a good time riding it :o)

Mama's Ramblings said...

You need to post the picture of the actual bike. It looks realy nice on Jory's phone. CONGRATS ON THE NEW RIDE!! And to all started when you finally got a sissy bar. :-)