Wednesday, June 25, 2008


Okay.... so I signed up to have my personal trainer at 24 hr. fitness.... Her name is Shannon. I went ahead and signed up for 27 sessions.... $$$, and when I talked with my husband about the fact that I'd feel so guilty for spending that much money on me, he said he'd feel guilty if I didn't! So.... I did it. I went today for my first session, well, actually a pre-session. She showed me the routines.... I did one set of each activity, being 20 reps each set. My muscles were shaking... it was really hard. I'll be seeing Shannon Monday, Wed. & Friday mornings at 8 AM for the next 9 weeks. The other days, I'll be on my own doing cardio. I hope this works!

Here's the rough thing.... my target heart rate is between 110 & 144. When I was warming up on the treadmill, jogging, my heart rate jumped to 160... felt like it was gonna beat right out of my chest. So, my trainer said that I couldn't run yet. I have to work my way up to it.... I'm so out of condition, that it would not be good for me to run yet. I'd be burning muscle instead of fat at that rate. I don't wanna do that.... So, I guess that means that running the 5 K in August is out for this year. *deep sigh* I am soooooooo out of shape and 65 lbs overweight and I don't know how I let myself get this way..... so mad at myself! I want to be my former skinny self again... *deep sigh*

Onto other silly news..... last night, while at the ballgame, my husband said that HE ought to get a tattoo on his arm.... if you wanna know what he wants to put there, just ask me... LOL I keep telling him that I'm gonna get a tattoo, and this is what he comes up with! LOL


Julie said...

Good for you for signing up with a trainer! I wish you all the best with it! And I wanna know what your hubby said he's getting a tattoo of! :oP

Mama's Ramblings said...

So...why don't you just tell all of us what he is getting?!?

Meg said...

LOL - I just asked Dad about