Monday, June 16, 2008


Okay, I'm 51 years old and I want to get a tattoo! Is that completely scandalous?? I am an adult... I should be able to do what I want, right? I want to get a little butterfly on the inside of my left ankle with a pink breast cancer ribbon on it for my mom & me. I think the size would be about 1 1/2 inches square. So, shouldn't I be able to do that? I really, really want to....

*deep sigh*



Julie said...

Go for it! I know several women who have gotten tattoos in their 50's. Just stick with the ankle plan - anything on your boob or lower back or something would look pretty scary in 20 years! :oP

Meg said...

That's so pretty! I want one to match, but Drew would sand it off me....or never talk to me again. :-(

Anonymous said...

An adult woman can do anything she wants as long as it does not harm others. . . . and it does not matter what anyone else thinks or says about it.