Sunday, June 1, 2008

It Came in the Mail...

It came in the mail yesterday, and I didn't even check the mail.... so it was sitting there for a whole day and I didn't know it.

What? The "sissy" bar for the motorcycle. Gee.... this means that I have to ride the motorcycle, doesn't it? And I'm scared to death to do it... I used to ride with my dad as a kid, and almost got hit several times. I'm just terrified. But, I will try and get over it. I'm THINKING about allowing Don to take me to Sheridan's tonight, back roads only, for some custard. Just thinking about it.
:::EDIT, er, rather UPDATE::: I RODE THE MOTORCYCLE!!! And I actually enjoyed it! Yay me!!! We rode the back roads to Sheridans, and I had a strawberry sundae... and I had a great time. Perfect weather in the evenings... So, can I hear a YOU GO MOM!!!???

What else came in the mail? MONEY.... from the IRS. Lots and lots of money... 4 years worth of tax refund money.... I'll finally be able to pay off my credit cards! Yay us!


On yet another train of thought....Don was elected to be on the church Board this past week. It is a big honor, and a huge commitment. There are only 14 board members elected from the congregation... and this year's board promises to be a good one. And some people from last year were not reelected... yahoo! Anyway, congrats to Don for that! I'm so proud of him...

And that's my life so far...


Mama's Ramblings said...

We just ordered me a sissy bar too. It is going to be here for the Oklahoma trip. It was one of my "demands" before I would ride that far. :-)

I want to go see Sex and the City SO BAD!! I am glad that you enjoyed it. I might make Jeremy go with me. :-)

Unknown said...

Yeah!!!! Go MOM!!! I am proud of you!!!