Thursday, February 21, 2008

Idol Chatter

Alrighty.... who is this year's Sanjaya??? I can't find him....I finally finished watching my saved DVDR's of American Idol.... it's insane, because the other night, Don & I stayed up 'til midnight, watching 4 hours of saved American Idols... and HE was the one making all of the comments! If you knew Don, you'd realize how funny that was...

Who do I like so far? Guys.... the australian... and I like the dude with the dreds... and both of those young kids have good voices... but i like the maturity of the other two...

Just finished watching the girls performances.... definitely like the little asian girl, and the black chick with the cool hair (Sayesha?) and Carly. What did Simon mean about all the hype about her? I dunno....

Yes, I need a life.

And that's my life so far...

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