Thursday, February 28, 2008

Okay, Third Try is the Charm! Cabo Pics!

These only took me an HOUR to upload! Apparently, my pics are too loaded with megabytes... But at least, they loaded! So, enjoy!
My Sister in the hot tub with a Miami Vice! Yum!

My sister looking out over the waterfall, while in the hot tub drinking a Miami Vice.

The view out our condo... climb those stairs and you are at the hot tub!

Don & Tim being nutty...

Our best friends, Tim & Dianne, having lunch at The Office on the Beach.

Meg, Drew, Don & Tim - whale watching...

My Sistahhhh and me on our way to Cabo!!!


Mama's Ramblings said...

Your blog is so much fun when you add pictures!!

LOVE THEM and I am so jealous that I am not back in Cabo!!

Julie said...

Love the pics! I'm so jealous. :oP